
Privacy is something we all value as citizens in this country. We are led to believe that everything we do is kept private. In reality, nothing we do is private. We are constantly watched by our government and even some bad people, it is nice to have the belief that Continue reading


No one willingly wants to give up their privacy, but it happens when you accept cookies from a website or when you provide information to create an account on a social media platform. It is crucial to acknowledge that the commitment to sacrifice one’s personal information is not straightforward and Continue reading


I am willing to give up some of my privacy for protection, safety, independence, and freedom within certain limits. I am not willing to give up much of my privacy for these things. I would give up as much privacy that will allow me to live freely and independently but Continue reading


In today’s society, there is a lot of surveillance on citizens, especially in the United States. While I do believe much of the surveillance is invasive, some monitoring of people is needed to secure the safety of others. The internet is one of the most expansive creations of technology which Continue reading