Month: April 2024

  • Is Focault Right ?

    Panopticism describes a system of power and control wherein individuals internalize the belief that they are being watched, leading them to regulate their behavior accordingly. Social media has become a modern tool of communication and idea sharing, but also surveillance and control. Thus, embedding panopticism into all of our digital interactions, whether we know it…

  • What form of government should we choose?

    This prompt is very interesting and challenging in the sense that I believe any form of government has the potential to become dystopian, but after reading Thomas Hobbes’ seminal work “Leviathan” and looking overing the Wikipedia article “List of Forms of Government,” I believe a direct democracy would be the form of government that is…


    My definition of a dystopia is a society that is not equal, equitable, or easily changed. The oppressors (the ones with power) continue to oppress and we have a very slim to no chance of escaping the oppression without changing the society on a larger scale. In a dystopian society, inequality isn’t just a flaw…

  • Dystopia Defined

    My definition of a dystopia is a hypothetical state of society in which people lack personal autonomy and basic rights due to oppressive, dehumanizing systems. These systems are frequently the result of unrestricted technological progress or totalitarian governments. The idea of dystopia captures the terrifying result of societal flaws and unrestricted relations of power. The…

  • Hidden In Plain Sight

    I feel like Panopticism has been embedded into our society in the form that we are made to believe that it is for our safety and for the better of the community around us but with that we lose freedom. In order to act better, they use certain tools but at some point, it becomes less…

  • Blog Post 4

    How much privacy are you willing to give up?  I think without me knowing I give a lot of privacy up. When you’re a baby you are surveillanced by your parents. There are cameras to watch you just as a newborn to make sure of  your wellbeing. We are often surveillanced for the hopes of…

  • A Closer Look At Dystopia

    Definition of Dystopia: Dystopia is a societal construct where systemic flaws and authoritative control result in the suppression of freedoms and the perpetuation of inequalities, leading to widespread disenchantment among its citizens. Justification: This definition encapsulates the complex dynamics within dystopian societies, where the systematic erosion of personal freedoms is often masked by the authoritative…

  • Studvent, Alyssa Blog Post # 6

    Dystopia: an unfair/unjust society where most if not all of its civilians experience oppression through exploitation, violence, fear, hopelessness, and/or marginalization. I was influenced by the reading of “Five Faces of Oppression” by Iris Young in regards to my definition. Within this reading, Young describes the five faces of oppression as exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural…

  • Redefining Dystopia

    Dystopia can be defined as a society characterized by oppressive societal control, dehumanization, and the absence of individual freedoms, often serving as a warning against the consequences of unchecked power and societal inequalities. This definition draws from the insights of Margaret Atwood, who explores the themes of oppression and authoritarianism in her dystopian novel “The…

  • Based on what I’ve learned and experienced this semester, I think dystopia is defined as a society characterized by oppressive governmental control, societal chaos, and a dehumanizing/bleak environment that is an unforeseen consequence of individuals trying to improve said society. I have edited my original definition of dystopia that I created during our first week…