My definition of a dystopia is a society that is not equal, equitable, or easily changed. The oppressors (the ones with power) continue to oppress and we have a very slim to no chance of escaping the oppression without changing the society on a larger scale.

In a dystopian society, inequality isn’t just a flaw but a heartbreaking reality ingrained into every aspect of life. Those in power, the oppressors, thrive by keeping others down, creating a world where fairness and justice are just empty promises. Whether it’s the rich getting richer while the poor struggle to survive or certain groups facing discrimination at every turn, the divide between the haves and the have-nots only seems to grow wider with each passing day. It’s a place where the odds are stacked against the ordinary person, where dreams of a better life feel more like distant fantasies than achievable goals.

And in such a society, the hope for change often feels like a flickering candle in the wind, constantly threatened by the oppressive forces at play. Those with power use every tool at their disposal to maintain their grip on power, from silencing dissenting voices to distorting the truth to suit their agenda. Whether it’s through censorship, propaganda, or violence, they ensure that the only certain stories reach the public before too much has been shared. It’s a world where speaking out against injustice can mean risking everything, where the fear of retribution keeps many trapped in silence and submission. Yet, even in the face of such overwhelming odds, there are those who refuse to give up hope, who believe that a brighter future is possible if only they can find the courage to stand together and fight for what’s right.

An example that supports my points above is the news articles that don’t make it to the big screen. One in particular is about a student at Indiana State University, who made a tiktok passing comments about someone who was “raised in the country” but is not country and that they should keep in mind that they weren’t “making money” they were “sold for money”. Many believe she was directing her post to Beyonce and her new country album. But the girls friend wrote that they were talking about a friend not the superstar Beyonce. This story made it to tiktok, then eventually on the news in other areas but the University simply put out a statement. The statement basically stated that this is not apart of their values and they do not agree with what the student was saying. Now that the story was on tiktok it is gaining more traction and hopefully will be handled accordingly.

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