Technology has replaced the physical prisons that Jeremy Bentham had in mind in the 18th century, in the ever changing 21st century, creating a virtual space where people must negotiate a complicated web of privacy trade offs. It’s clear that there is a contradiction here as technology develops, we frequently Continue reading

Privacy Within Technology

As time goes on, the balance between privacy and convenience is constantly evolving. Currently, technology has become intertwined with nearly every aspect of our lives. While I value my privacy, I recognize the benefits of certain trade-offs. For example, I am willing to share some information on social media platforms Continue reading


In the digital age, people often give up their privacy in various ways. One common method is through sharing personal information online, including details like our name, age, location, and interests on social media platforms and websites. Additionally, individuals may unknowingly share their whereabouts by using location-based services such as Continue reading