What Form of Government?

Dystopian governments come in various forms, each with its own set of oppressive characteristics. Totalitarian regimes, such as those seen in George Orwell’s “1984” or Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” exert complete control over every aspect of citizens’ lives. They employ surveillance, censorship, propaganda, and fear to maintain power, stifling Continue reading

Majority rules

In Thomas Hobbes’s seminal work, “Leviathan,” he delves into the concept of governance, advocating for a social contract theory to maintain order in society. Hobbes famously described life without government as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short,” highlighting the necessity of structured authority. His philosophy underscores the potential for abuse Continue reading

The Best System

A meritocracy is a form of government where people gain power and notoriety through their skill and contribution to society. This is the best form of government, because everyone has the ability to achieve. This also changes the idea of social class as well. People will no longer have their Continue reading

My Utopia

I have never really thought of an ideal society, at least not since I was a child. Back then it probably would have included candy for every meal and no bedtime, but with the life experiences I have gained over the years, I have learned that,at times, it is much Continue reading

Once Upon a Utopia

A utopia is a society in which everything is perfect or ideal. In contrast to dystopias, utopias generally lack governmental chaos, fearful realities, and strict censorship. If I were to create a utopian society it would be based on three main premises: liberty, creativity, and effectiveness. In regard to the Continue reading