An ideal government that would dissuade the formation of a dystopia would be a direct democracy with aspects of socialism. Unlike a representative democracy, which uses elected officials as proxies for its citizens, in a direct democracy, the citizens directly participate in decision-making processes. This is preferable over the current representative democracy because the majority vote can’t lose to an electoral college, which has happened several times in the past elections. Although it could be more time-consuming, it will ensure equal participation and opportunity among its citizens. This democracy should also have aspects of socialism like a universal safety net, prioritizing the needs of the society, democratic control of resources, and reduction of class inequalities. Although it is possible that in a direct democracy, the majority could impose its interest or try to manipulate the minority, the universal safety net and other aspects of socialism should act as a guard to prevent significant inequalities from forming that could lead to a dystopia. This government would still allow for some financial and social advancement, but those people wouldn’t be granted more power or significantly more resources than those who can’t or didn’t. There wouldn’t be a situation where the top 1% makes over 40 times more than the bottom 50% combined. A government that benefits the majority and ensures that everyone has the same basic level of rights and resources leaves little to no room for oppression, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, exploitation, and violence. It could be argued that aspects of socialism create a reduced incentive to do things. Still, I think when people are allowed to work for a lifestyle and enjoy the lifestyle instead of working to survive, people will be happier and more motivated to do things they actually enjoy and potentially flourish at because they aren’t worried about being able to eat or pay the month’s bills.
In other forms of government, there’s too much of an imbalance of power; most of the power is in the hands of one or a few, but never the poor or the actual majority, always the elitist and wealthy. Whenever there is too much of an imbalance, this gives those in charge the power and opportunity to oppress and abuse everyone else to their benefit, which makes everyone else’s life a dystopia. At the same time, they reap the benefits of the working class’s work.