Blog Post 6

Definition of Dystopia: A dystopia is a society characterized by oppressive governmental control, severe social stratification, and the systematic erosion of individual freedoms. Justification: In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood presents a dystopia where environmental disasters and plummeting birth rates lead to a totalitarian regime that subjugates women and reduces Continue reading

Personal Utopia

In my ideal society, healthcare is the foundation of a utopian framework that prioritizes universal access, preventative focus, holistic approaches, technological integration, equity, diversity, ethical standards, and environmental sustainability. Ensuring universal access means that all people, no matter their financial situation, can easily obtain complete healthcare services that are financed Continue reading

Unveiling the Layers of Dystopia

A dystopia is a fictional or hypothetical society characterized by oppressive societal control, dehumanization, and often a totalitarian government, resulting in the suffering or misery of its citizens. This definition relates closely to Iris Marion Young’s Five Faces of Oppression, which identify different forms of societal oppression: economic, cultural, social, Continue reading

It’s Subjective!

Dystopia /disˈtōpēə/ noun a subjective term that refers to a society of poor, brutish, and nasty living; a dangerous society Dystopia is defined as a society of poorness, and brutishness because it reminds me of the state if nature, with no laws, with no regulations, and with pure competition, as Continue reading

What is a Dystopia?

What is a dystopia? throughout the course of this class we have discussed the key elements of what makes a dystopia, the many different forms in which people can experience dystopian society, and even finding real world dystopian regimes across the nation such as the one occurring in Afghanistan under Continue reading

Recording in progress…

Panopticism is embedded in our society, most obviously through cameras. Traffic cameras, security cameras, people’s cameras on their phones, cameras. Panopticism operates on the principle that because you assume you are always being watched, you act differently even though you might not necessarily be watched. Traffic/speeding cameras are tall in Continue reading


One way in which panopticism has been embedded in our society is through the proliferation of surveillance technologies. The concept of the panopticon, originally proposed by philosopher Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century, describes a prison design where a central watchtower allows a single guard to observe all inmates without Continue reading

Least Dystopian Government

In my opinion, a big factor in dystopias is the type of government. The most common governments I have seen in dystopias are totalitarian and authoritarian governments. Totalitarianism, according to Oxford Languages, is a system of government that is centralized, dictatorial, and requires complete subservience from the state. A couple Continue reading

The Perfect Society

A utopia is an imagined place that is perceived as perfect. Since humans are imperfect beings, a true utopia where everything is perfect is not feasible. Still, within the realm of perception, a utopic society would address all of the problems that plague our society and lead to all the Continue reading

Studvent, Alyssa Blog Post #5

According to Gonzaga University, Panopticism is defined as a “kind of internal surveillance [where] the watches ceases to be external to the watched”. In today’s society, panopticism has been embedded into our society in various ways such as through the advancement of surveillance technologies especially within public spaces and within Continue reading