the reality of the definition of dystopia

Dystopia is a totalitarian society where specific groups of people are oppressed from some sort of elite group or from their own consciousness that results in a loss of humanity, freedom, and power, all of which gives the individual misery.  Young’s Five Faces of Oppression described the characteristics of what Continue reading

What government ?

Democracy would have the least dystopian form of government. The main reason for this is because a democracy is based on the rule of the people. It runs on the wants of the people and their ideologies. If citizens have their own rights, they are able to protect themselves from Continue reading


Utopia is an individual’s perception of perfectness. Perfect doesn’t exist which is why we have the term utopia. If I were to create a place of utopia, it would be an equal society with no violence. Violence would be completely gone like the word never existed. Hatred would be less Continue reading