To Be, or Not to Be a Dystopia

Previously, I had defined a dystopian as “a society where intrinsic human rights and freedoms are violated for the preservation of particular social order”. With this I explicitly reference aspects of human individuality such as our thoughts, actions and choices. I would like to alter my definition of a dystopia. Continue reading

What is a dystopia?

A dystopia can be defined as a made-up society that is flawed oppressive and dehumanizes the individuals that live in it which can be characterized by oppression and removal of individual freedom. Dystopias often come about from the pursuit of utopian ideas and beliefs that are taken to the extreme Continue reading

Blog Post #6

A dystopia can be defined as a society characterized by significant societal, political, or environmental problems that systematically oppress and marginalize certain groups of people. As exemplified by Iris Young’s “Five Faces of Oppression” and Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Iris Young’s framework delineates five dimensions of oppression—exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, Continue reading

Define Dystopia EOY

A dystopia is a society characterized by oppressive social control and a degraded quality of life. I believe this is a good one sentence of the word that we have discussed in class all semester. This class has shown me how some people may view a dystopian society. I also Continue reading

How Do We Know if We Live in a Dystopia?

A dystopia is a society characterized by extreme corruption of human rights, freedoms, and honor. Works such as Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and perspectives through a Hobbesian lens illustrate that dystopias can result from repressive governments and/or environmental emergencies. Atwood portrays a futuristic environment where Continue reading

Dystopia Reimagined

At the beginning of this course, I defined dystopia as a society consumed by perils, conformity, and freedom infringement, while civilians are simultaneously plagued by immense fear and distrust. Although valid, this definition fails to address both the cause and effect of a dystopian society. Thus, as we approach the Continue reading

Dystopia definition

Originally, my definition for dystopia was, essentially, a society that lacks equality and freedom, and propagates subjugation and violence to achieve this inequality. With this definition, many of today’s societies could be considered dystopian, because there is rampant inequality across the globe. Today, I find this definition accurate, but lacking Continue reading