No Perfect Place

As mentioned before, a “utopia” means “no place” because often the ideals placed around utopias do not exist in real life. What occurs more often in novels and movies, the utopia is actually revealed to be a dystopia. The societies try to enact total equality, but do not alter the oppression that ensues. My idea of a utopia would provide equality to all in a manner where oppression would not result. 

In my idea of a utopia, there would be no class system because nobody would own property. I agree with the Marxist’s idea of oppression, greed, and a lack of empathy breeding from individuals owning property and hoarding wealth. I, however, know that the government being the owner of property would result in suppression of individuality and could also lead to oppression. To fix this, I feel as though a utopia would have communal-based living. Instead of large cities and wealth hoarding, everyone would live in small communities (50 people or so). This would allow people to be personable with one another, as well as being invested in their well-being. We would also leave formal education and migrate towards knowledge being passed down from generation to generation. This will minimize classification through standardized test scores or GPA which can be impacted by background (socioeconomic status, race, gender, etc.). If there is no class system, and people learn to live in harmony then this will (hopefully) eradicate hate between social groups (racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.). 

This, sadly, cannot occur. The perfect place would be a place where everyone can live comfortably in harmony. No one would know the burdens of their ancestors. No one would experience discrimination and oppression. Everyone will be afforded to pursue their passions without fear of being inadequate or targeted. Everyone will be able to experience love whether that be familial, romantic, or from the community.

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