New Definition of Dystopia

After taking this class this semester, my new definition of a dystopia is a real world where people are living in a state of fear while enduring undesirable and oppressive conditions that decrease the quality of one’s life. Iris Young’s ‘Five Faces of Oppression’ are applicable to my definition of Continue reading


Panopticism is essentially the idea that people are under constant surveillance or observation which forces them to behave appropriately. The notion that one is being constantly watched prompts them to regulate their behavior and conform to the norms set by society through ingraining fear into people. Although the idea of Continue reading


I am willing to give up some of my privacy for protection, safety, independence, and freedom within certain limits. I am not willing to give up much of my privacy for these things. I would give up as much privacy that will allow me to live freely and independently but Continue reading

Which Government?

After viewing the different types and forms of government, I believe that a democratic government would be the least dystopian form. A democratic government allows its citizens to directly vote for officials who represent their interests. It allows society to make their own decisions rather than collective choices being imposed Continue reading

My Utopia

My idea of utopia is a place that is prosperous on all levels of society. A place where people don’t have to worry about money or living expenses and struggling is not a concept. The biggest part of my utopia is a happy place with no crime or competition in Continue reading


I would define a dystopia as a real world where people are living in a state of fear while enduring undesirable and oppressive conditions that bring about a loss of happiness. Drawing from the media I’ve consumed, I feel this is a good definition to describe a dystopia because these Continue reading