The Best Form of Government We Have

In a democracy, elected officials, direct elections, or—most often—a combination of the two—are used by the people of a country to decide on its policies. In a democracy, the vast majority of citizens are permitted to engage in political processes, and groups of people are not excluded from the political arena on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender, race, or class. Democracies allow people who would not otherwise be able to participate in politics to cast ballots for the candidates and programs that they support, which is a vital first step toward achieving equality for oppressed groups. The value of democracy should be evaluated in light of the alternatives; autocracies, theocracies, and monarchies, for example, are significantly less effective at achieving equality because they only permit a single person or group of people to make decisions on behalf of the entire populace. All groups are only able to engage in politics under democracies, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or race. 

The ability of democracy to progressively evolve is what gives it power. Democracies are effective. They produce economies that are more robust and resilient. They produce better results for communities and better chances for citizens, and they produce societies that are more inclusive, just, and free. Democracy not only gives everyone a voice, but it is also by nature a very flexible system that enables the government to change course in response to shifting political views. There are ways to resolve different views and conflicts peacefully.

Democracy improves a country’s economy. Democratic societies give the freedom of innovation, defend the freedom of speech, uphold the rule of law, impose fair and consistent laws, hold free and fair elections, and encourage independent media. Not only that, but democracy fuels higher education systems and economic strength. Even though democracy could unite people worldwide temporarily or through very tough means, it would still be the least dystopian form of government. Even while democracy is far from ideal, it is unquestionably the best form of government possible for attaining equality, reducing conflict, and fostering civic involvement.

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