
Panopticism is a framework of societal structure and control marked by continuous surveillance and the internalization of disciplinary methods by individuals. Within panoptic establishments, whether physical or conceptual, people endure scrutiny and regulation, frequently without outward coercion.

One way in which panopticism has been embedded in our society is through surveillance technologies, particularly in public spaces and online platforms.

In modern society, we are constantly under the gaze of surveillance cameras, whether it’s in streets, shopping malls, workplaces, or even in our own homes through devices like smart speakers and webcams. Moreover, the rise of digital technologies and social media platforms has intensified the mechanisms of panopticism. On social medias like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we willingly expose various aspects of their lives to the gaze of others, often creating their online personas in response to perceived social norms and expectations. The “likes,” comments, and shares serve as forms of validation and surveillance, encouraging people to conform to certain standards of behavior and appearances.

In essence, the prevalence of surveillance technologies and the voluntary sharing of personal information online contribute to the internalization of surveillance and self-regulation among individuals, mirroring the dynamics of panopticism that was described by Foucault.

Foucault also argued that institutions like schools and workplaces function as disciplinary mechanisms, shaping individuals’ behavior and subjecting them to norms and standards of conduct. Through various techniques of surveillance, evaluation, and hierarchical organization, these institutions instill a sense of self-discipline among individuals.

For example, in schools, students are continuously monitored and evaluated through grading systems, standardized tests, and disciplinary measures. This constant surveillance and assessment compel students to conform to established norms of behavior and academic performance.

Moreover, media representations and cultural narratives also contribute to the dissemination of societal norms and values, shaping individuals’ perceptions and behaviors. Through advertising, entertainment, and news media, certain behaviors, lifestyles, and ideologies are promoted while others are marginalized or stigmatized, leading to the internalization of dominant societal norms.

Overall, the pervasive influence of social institutions and cultural discourses serves to perpetuate panoptic mechanisms in society by inducing individuals to internalize and conform to established norms and expectations.

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