Publicize Panopticism

What might America become with increased discipline and control? America primarily relies on technology and humans to monitor and manage the powerless. This monitoring occurs in a variety of ways, many of which are unknown to the individuals. Foucault’s theory of panopticism describes how the panopticon maintains discipline through perpetual observation. When people within the panopticon realize they are being watched,  they self-regulate their behavior. Traditional kinds of power, such as violence and punishment, are gradually becoming redundant because Panopticism is a new type of control in modern society that focuses on operating through continual surveillance under the fear of punishment. Although we all know the initial reason for the invention of Panopticism, the panopticon is the best tool that serves the same function as additional strategies, such as, for all persons in society; whether it is criminals, employees, or students. As previously said, one method in which panopticism has been established in our society is through school institutions. Foucault’s idea of a panopticon, similar to imprisonment, is used to analyze school surveillance. Surveillance of appearances, behaviors, and tests is the primary disciplinary technique in this school. Students and/or teachers respond to this by either normalizing their habits or expressing resistance and insisting on unwanted behaviors. Panopticism can also highlight how teachers feel scrutinized and the impact of surveillance in schools. It also provides a complementary metaphor for examining ‘unseen’ behaviors. Some examples include recorded instructors watching and listening to students to guarantee order and quiet; school design and classroom furniture arrangements to aid in the surveillance of student conduct; and teachers monitoring and controlling students’ internet usage. These had the effect of developing in students the sensation that they were always being observed, prompting them to examine their behavior. Several other examples, Some researchers have studied the tools used to monitor teachers, such as digital management technology; and questioned teachers about the effects of curricular standards, which they felt undervalued their knowledge and constrained their authority, autonomy, and creativity. These tools make it easy for school officials and parents to keep a close check on instructors who face punishments for going off script or deviating too far from the norm. As with students, this surveillance results in self-monitoring and obedience.

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