What constitutes as a Dystopia?

A dystopia is theoretical a world or society that exist in state of oppression that is pervasive and that can affects every aspect of the lives of the individuals who exist in it. I canā€™t bring myself to limit a dystopian society to the fictional world after several examples and analogues that exist within real life. I left the the definition broad on that end to reflect that idea. However that pertains to the state in which governments exist. As a purely Utopian society is theoretical, so must itā€™s exact opposite the Dystopian one must be. In the case of the inclusion of the ward ā€œoppressionā€ I thought it the most clear aspect of me definition. The term oppression itself is very clear but the what constitutes a form of oppression posses the real question. Throughout much of my work in this class I often point to Iris Youngā€™s work ā€œThe Five Faces of Oppressionā€ as I think it identifies the aspects of oppression in the most clear way Iā€™ve seen yet. Dystopian societies always exist having at least one form of expression that aligns with what Iris Young detailed in her works.
When talking about the ā€œpervasiveā€ part of my definition it is important to note the affect a dystopian world has on its inhabitants. In stories that weā€™ve read such as ā€œThe Handmaidens Taleā€ we see how are main character is subject to a line thinking that can only be achieved in the state in which they reside. For example Offredā€™s entire life was dictated by the society in which she existed. She was never conformable and was even afraid to think in way that contradicted the common thought. The threat of retaliation to any deviation was always prevalent no matter what environment she was in. Thatā€™s what I mean by pervasive.
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