The Syllabus

The pages in this section of the website constitute what is normally thought of as the syllabus for this class. Instead of cramming a lot of information into a single word processing document, I’ve chunked up that information into separate pages to make it more readable and more digestible. Please be sure to review all of these pages. Below are the pages that make up the syllabus:

  • What You Will Learn: This page describes the learning outcomes that will be met through this class.
  • What You Will Do: This page describes the activities students will complete and how those activities will be assessed.
  • What You Need: This page describes the technological requirements needed for this class.
  • What You Can Expect: This section is intended to help you understand how and why I have designed this class as I have.
  • What Our Semester Will Look Like: This page provides you with an outline of the schedule for this class.

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