Surveillance Society: Navigating the Panoptic Web

In today’s digital age, the omnipresence of surveillance has become deeply ingrained in our societal fabric, echoing Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism. Panopticism, as elucidated by Foucault, posits that the mere perception of being watched induces individuals to conform to societal norms and behave in a manner deemed “appropriate.” This Continue reading

Is it Safety or Control?

A Panopticon’s major effect is to “induce in the inmate a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power.”   From the reading material, Foucault stressed the importance, convenience, and unique qualities of a panopticon. Panopticons offer an efficient and effective method for overseeing a prison with Continue reading

Foucaults understanding

Based on my understanding of Foucault’s discussion of panopticism, one way in which panopticism has been embedded in our society is through online surveillance. Our activity online is being monitored constantly. They’re watching things like what we browse on the internet, they see the interactions that we make while we’re Continue reading

Is Foucault Right?

Panopticism can be seen in the distribution and excessive use of surveillance technology in public spaces and online environments in our modern society. The panopticon is the idea that people change their behavior when they believe they are being watched. This self-regulation creates a sense of discipline, where people conform Continue reading


One of the key aspects of Foucault’s discussion on Panopticism is Surveillance and Visibility. It has been embedded in our society through numerous different technologies   In contemporary urban environments, surveillance cameras are often in all of our presences, installed in public spaces, workplaces, and even private residences. These cameras serve Continue reading